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Losses hurt you more

One of the most important retirement concepts to understand is that loss of principal overshadows gains. Protecting a portion of your retirement…

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The Case for Active Management

In the last two decades, investors have debated for the merits of both passive and active portfolio management. Both styles of asset management…

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Impact of The SECURE Act

With all the political turmoil and intensity going on in Washington D.C, you may be surprised to find that there is a bipartisan retirement…

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Bonds vs REIT

Traditionally most investors like to split their portfolio into stocks and bonds and balance based on their risk preference. Bonds are less volatile…

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How Will the Trade War Affect my Retirement?

Three weeks ago it seemed like the world’s two largest economies were getting closer to achieving a deal to end the trade war. However, an increase…

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Why you should consider Dividends as a source of retirement income

As a shareholder, there are two main ways that your investment brings a return. The first, and most widely recognized, occurs when the firm you have…

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Wealth Management vs. Retirement Planning – What's the Difference?

The financial industry has many different types of advisors and sometimes it can be hard to tell them apart. One common question is what is the…

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Why a Guaranteed Insurance Contract Should Be Part of Your Portfolio

Investing isn't easy in these uncertain times. The market crash of 2008 wiped out years of savings and unfortunately no one knows when the next…

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The Top 4 Annuities Myths That Get People in Trouble

The only way you can decide whether annuities are right for you is by looking at the facts. Unfortunately, there are plenty of annuities myths…

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What Are the Top 5 Goals for Planning Retirement?

Retirement is often referred to as "the golden years," and with good reason. After a long, dedicated career, now's the time to finally catch up…

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How to Save for Retirement in Your 20s

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5 Great Books for Retirement Planning

A wealth of information is available to retirement planners of all ages. Whether you're quickly approaching retirement or have just started your…

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Results 1-336 of 345