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Catch David on Fox Business at the 9am hour. Tune into RetireReady with David Nicholas on Saturdays at 8:30 AM on WAGA and Sundays at 11:30 AM on CBS. Listen to 99.5 WSB Saturdays at 6 PM.

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Results 229-240 of 363
Will Amazon's Stock Split Drive Growth?

Apple $AAPL rose 34% after announcing its stock split. Tesla $TSLA jumped more than 80%. David Nicholas joined Charles Payne on Fox Business to…

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Why the Feds Actions Will Hurt American Consumers

What a 25-basis-point Fed rate hike won't do: Get Americans back to work Fix the supply chain disaster Control inflation David Nicholas joined…

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Could a Recession Happen This Year?

Inflation, record gas prices, and Russia brought the market to where it is today. Key technical levels will now drive the market in the short-term…

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Vladimir Putin's War Could Lead to the Largest Disruption of Wheat Exports in History

Russia and Ukraine account for 30% of the world's wheat exports. Wheat prices have surged 30% in the past week. David Nicholas joined Neil Cavuto on…

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Why American Energy Independence Can Give Optimism to the Market!

By importing 500,000 barrels of Russian oil a day, we are financing the killing of Ukrainians. This is unacceptable. David Nicholas joined Stuart…

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Why is Russian aggression Causing Market Volatility?

Stocks are sinking and oil is spiking. The selloff in February is more about the Ukraine conflict than the Federal Reserve. David Nicholas joined…

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Investors Don't Want Facebook's Future to be What Meta Means in Hebrew

Facebook's parent company Meta $FB has lost more than $200 billion in market value. Mark Zuckerberg has bet the future of the company on the…

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We Could See a Snapback Rally in February!

We could see a snapback rally in February! Strong earnings from Alphabet $GOOG, Meta $FB, and Amazon $AMZN could provide lift to markets this…

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Today's Microsoft Earnings Report

A lot is on the line for today's Microsoft earnings report. Positive earnings → support for the market Negative earnings → tech selling pressure…

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Latest Market Trends

Weaker dollar → good for emerging markets. Large-cap tech stocks → buy on weakness. If Krishna is successful in boosting sales and margins: Good…

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Three Stock Sectors for 2022

Three stock sectors for 2022: Energy, financials, and tech at a reasonable price. David Nicholas joined Stuart Varney on Fox Business to discuss…

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What Interest Rates Mean for Tech Valuations?

When rates rise, tech stocks fall. When rates fall, tech stocks rise. David Nicholas joined Varney & Co. on Fox Business to discuss what 2%…

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Results 1-240 of 363